Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Travel to Destination

When i arrived to the Qatar airport, it was very bright and a bit hot though the time was 06:50. The connecting flight was scheduled 07:50 though there was an hour, i wanted to finish all the formalities as soon as i can. Mr.Ganesan who came with me in the flight, directed me to goto where the TRAVEL board was pointing, and went through the IMIGRATION way as he works in qatar. He was nice person i got aquainted with during my first flight. I rushed to the Security check and there was a long queue...After finishing the check and getting the boarding pass for the next flight, while that was in another big queue, I rushed to Gate 3. Qatar airport was beautiful inside and there were more than 16 Gates i suppose, whereas in chennai we have
only 7. Thanks for the Passport wallet i bought from Odessey for 250 bucks. It was of great help all the way carrying my passport and work permit all the way without any tension. I was made to wait at gate 3 for the Airport bus.

Once the bus arrived, all waiting over there boarded the bus and we were led to QR11 a much bigger flight than the one i travelled before. Since it was the same flight company, the interiors were same and so were the air hostess! But one difference in this flight was that, there were TVs at the back of each seat, I mean a TV for a person... That was cool and it was not an ordinary TV, it was an interactive TV. It had some 4 to 5 Live Tv channels, apart from that it had a lot of movies, songs, games... in all languages! In Tamil category there were two movies... Rendu & E. All the movies were pretty recent and hit movies. Once again breakfast was served in this flight as it was four hours we had our last food! But now it was not veg or omlette... It was Scrambled Eggs or Omlette!!! Oh God, what will the vegetarians do? Well only the main dish was omlette, the rest were veg, i mean fruit salad, burger, frui juice... This time too i didnt get the window seat..but i got the seat second from the window! so i had a good look thru the window. The flight was not quite full and there were many free seats as it was a weekday.

The Interactive TV had options to view the flight details too... So i switched to that i was really surprised that we were above 33,000 feet from sea level and the temperature was around -54 F. The ground speed showed up to be 576 Mph, which is nearly 920 Kmph...!!!! But apart from Take off and Landing, the journey inside the flight was like anyother travel in our hi-fi air bus. You are adviced to take water frequently during your flight, to keep your body adjusted to the varying pressure levels at that altitude. As we arrived over London, it was 7 hrs since we started from qatar! We couldn't get ground clearance immediately as there was heavy inbound traffic at heathrow airport... So the flight was circling in the sky about 10,000 feet. It was the most unforgettable experience of what i saw through the window. I saw those white clouds very close to the window and some very much below the flight. It was a beautiful experience when the flight passed thru a white cloud. Damn, i didnt have a camera in my phone, so that i could take a picture of that beautiful scene. Atlast after 15 minutes of circling, we landed and Heathrow airport...

It was a huge airport, i suppose that it took me some 15 minutes of walk to reach the imigration place. After all the formalities, I followed the sign to central bus station which took me around another 15 minutes within the airport. Atlast I found out the National Express to Newport and Got the tickets... It was for the first time i spent in pounds, it was a 2 and 1/2 hours journey and the ticket was 32 pounds!!! 2560 Rs...! At that time i decided, while you earn in pounds spend in pounds, dont calculate for each and everything in rupees!


AKS said...

hey sendil..this is arun,hewitt..i was free today and was curious looking at ur photos and blogs..great work man..u deserve that..al the best..and i have added ur blog to my favourite list..so u can expect me to be there sometimes..keep posting..keep in touch..bye!!

Unknown said...

hey sendil... super description of ur first time experience da.... enjoy dude.... :)

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.