Monday, May 21, 2007

Hello World

Coding was one of my primary interests, even a hobby, from my grade eleven. The Job I joined after my college, didn't pose me many chances for coding. I was more or like in a role of a tester and debugger. Over a period of time, I started to doubt myslef about my coding skills and my interest towards coding. For the past few days i had some leisure time, so i thought why not do something interesting... Suddenly came to my mind was a c code, that came to my mail a year back which would draw the india map as output. It was really amazing at that point of time for me, I just wondered how could a code like that draw the map of india and I could hardly understand anything in the code. So now, I thought why not try my hands over that code. It took me half a day to understand what it does and atlast...Yes! I understood the code... But mere understanding the code doesnot make anything interesting, so i decided to rewrite the code to make it draw the WORLD MAP... I had feeling that i have written a Hello World program after a long time...!

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