Sunday, October 29, 2006

Signals of Life

Some people say, there is GOD, and some refuse it. Some people say prayers are the best way to reach GOD and Some say, there is no use in praying to GOD, becoz I have never got anything I wanted by praying. Some say the movement of planets will influence your life, Some say thats is all crank. Some say there are ESP powers, Telepathy, Astama Sidhi, some say no no, all this are fraud. Sages say meditate, concentrate within you, you can reach God, you can get what ever you need !??? Crazy isn't it. Ok lets leave all that, we people will not belive in any such things. We will only accept science. All this has no scientific reasons, so all are Lies and Imaginations.

Once there Landed a rover in Mars, Which is Lakhs of miles from our Earth. From the rovers point of view, it is in desolated planet all alone. But the signals sent from here are able to operate the rover. You know what happened once? The Rover Software needed modification! So from Lakhs and Lakhs of miles away sitting in earth, scientists Erased its previous code and rewritten new code with new functionalities. Now lets assume that the rover is a living thing on the planet of Mars, becoz it can move, function and it has got a inner conscience (working code). The rover works based on the signals from the Source, but it is difficult for it to understand why it is working in such a way. It moves, picks up things, takes photographs etc,etc.But it thinks, it is doing things independently.
Ok now lets us assume, there is another rover sent to the same place. From the point of this new rover, the other one seems to be living, doing some actions, moving here and there. And sometimes, the rovers may be programmed to communicate with each other for some duration from the source. At that time, what this rover thinks (signals) is perceived by the other rover (mere resonance) . There is an unknown force which makes them act in a way they cant understand.
If the rover needs to request something, it should send the signals in appropriate frequency continously (prays) and in certain amplitude. Its request will definitely be answered, but not necessarily in the way it wanted, but the way it is needed for it!

I asked GOD for Safety, HE gave me Strength.
Only things that are abstract and unclear, will induce further thinking and discoveries.


Nimme said...

i beleive in GOD.
There is always a feel that there is a supernatural above us.its at times stupid on what ppl pray to god.You cant pray for urself and if u pray for urself then its not a prayer ..its more of barter system with god.
give me this..i will give u this back...we are not having barter system with god.
Pray,mediation are more of mind controlling mechanisms.
it gives happiness!!!!

i really dont belive in this planet positions,jadhagam,etc,etc..but what to do..our parents have so much faith in such things like guru
peraichi et stuff.

sai thilak said...

Hey sendil, from the very first post of urs i can see, ur elevated perception of things.

This is very good dude. The rover example is good one.

If this continues some time, u wuld be called Sendilananda!!! :-) jus kidding.

$aravanan $ said...

Even a small glass cant me moved with out any force. so someone created this world. so i feel GOD exist but in what form is the question? Even i do feel most of the times my prays are not answered. but few weeks before i received a wonder mail "Chat with GOD". There was line which says "If your prays are not answered then it means 'NO' is the answer for your prayer".

And moreever problem with us while praying is we dont tell our problem to GOD instead we give solution to the problem which we expect GOD to do it. Prayers actually make us realize what is in our subconscious mind and what we are craving for.

Your perception is different what a normal ppl think. it is good.