Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Relativity of Thoughts

There are three persons a Poet, a Scientist and a Butcher. All the three happen to see a deer standing in the forest. Here is the thought pattern of all the three: Poet says how beatiful the deer is and he starts writing songs about the deer. The Scientist thought forms are like, which family does this deer belong to, and what are its specialities. The Butcher thoughts are about what weight would be the deer and at what rate could we sell it!

Well this the case with all of our thoughts. The scene is one but the perceptions are different. So there is nothing called absolute and everything is relative. Well you may wonder what made me to say all these. Yes! I was enjoying the sky of the diwali night, which was decorated by rockets and coloured fireworks, plunging high into the sky and the sound of crackers all over. Some people get scared of the cracker sound and some people enjoy the sounds of crackers. Ya, I was enjoying the sound of crackers from the top of my house, sitting over the water tank. Suddenly something struck my thought.... Wait!! I have heard these same sounds some were else but but where??? Oh God! It was the same sought of sound I heard when the guns and missles fired during recent wars over Iraq and in Srilanka shown in the TV, which took away the lives of many innocent people too(including children). The Gun shooting sound and the crackers sound resembled very much. Suddenly from that moment onwards, the cracker sound didnot make me any happy but instead, they reminded me and made me feel for the lives that would have left the earth when each of the bullet sound was heard...

The scene was same all the time, but it was my thoughts... rather my mind which has made all the difference in me.


Nimme said...

Very nice post!!!

As ur blog name suggests
pretty reflective!!!

SenIndia said...

nim: Thanks ;-)

sindu said...

nice thought.. :) really interesting man.....

$aravanan $ said...

Really enjoyed your post

$aravanan $ said...

continue posting on mind i'm interested.

SenIndia said...

saravanan: Thanks for ur Comment

sai thilak said...

Its true man. What u have told it here is absolute truth where many failed to recognise. It gr8 u got the point. Hope u wuld be treading in the same path.....